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Greetings from your IRB!

Get IRB-Ready for Fall 2024

Hello! I'm Tory Williams (PhD, Biology, UMBC 2013), UMBC's new Institutional Review Board Manager. Over my 16 years at UMBC, I've made connections with many faculty, staff and students through my work in Biology, Education, and the Faculty Development Center. I look forward to cultivating many more professional relationships in this new role within ORPC--an Office that is in an exciting period of growth!

Before the bustle of Fall 2024 begins, I wish to invite Human-Subjects researchers to reach out to our office with questions or anticipated needs related to IRB protocol submissions/approval. My colleagues and I can be reached at IRB@umbc.edu

Here are just a few reasons to contact the IRB Admin Staff:
  • Researchers (past/present/future) wishing to make Introductions
  • New UMBC faculty wishing to set-up a human-subjects research project or program
  • Community members interested in volunteer service on the IRB (may include non-scientists, ad-hoc expert consultants, graduate students, voting board members, etc.)
  • Mentors and their current/prospective Post-Doc, Graduate student, and/or undergraduate student (human-subjects) researchers
  • Course instructors whose students may design and implement human-subjects research as part of a class project or assignment
  • Department Chairs that may wish to invite IRB Admin to an upcoming Department meeting
  • SoTL (scholarship of teaching and learning) researchers learning to navigate the IRB process through UMD College Park
If you, a colleague or student, have been meaning to get started with an IRB protocol, August is a great time to get-to-know the process for a smoother Fall semester.

Posted: August 12, 2024, 12:53 PM